MODUM - Enquête Mobilité

by Autoroutes Trafic

Maps & Navigation


Mobility surveys meet a need in the general interest of public authorities organizing mobility in a territory. These communities wish to offer a transport offer (metro lines, road development, etc.) adapted to the uses of citizens traveling on their territory. This is where MODUM comes in, to measure these uses of mobility, by carrying out surveys with a sample of citizens.The objective of MODUM is to help these communities to adjust the mobility offer to the real needs of users. To achieve this, MODUM collects, with their consent, the routes, activities and location of its users. These data are then aggregated to measure mobility flows in a territory. Public decision-makers (cities, regions, public transport operators, etc.) can then use this data to guide their decision-making, such as deciding the route of a future public transport line, sizing car parks or evaluating a bike path.For these purposes, the application collects, with the prior authorization of the user, the location data of his smartphone, only during his travels and for the duration of the mobility survey. The location data collected makes it possible to determine for a user: - its modes of transport - the reason for his trips - time of travel - its geolocated positionsTo automatically detect and analyze a users movements, the app uses location in the background, even when the app is closed or not in use.The complete privacy policy is available at this address:é-fr